УДК 631.11.631.1.027:65.011.3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-18

Ustik Tetiana,
Doctor of Sciences in Economic, Professor, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics,
Sumy National Agrarian University
Kolodnenko Nataliia,
Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics,
Sumy National Agrarian University
Sorokokit Oleksandr,
PhD student in speciality 075 Marketing, Department of Marketing and Logistics,
Sumy National Agrarian University

JEL classification: L83, Z30

The article substantiates the strategic directions of the development of green tourism in agrarian business and substantiates the necessity of introducing the creation of a tourist cluster in the Sumy region. Attention is focused on the planning of rural green tourism, such as the project of creating a green estate. In addition, modeling the optimization of tourism activities in the rural green tourism sector was carried out, and the scenarios of tourism development in Ukraine during the post-war period were substantiated. Green tourism is a form of tourism designed to reduce the negative impact of human activity on the natural environment, preserve it, and promote the sustainable development of local communities. This type of tourism aims to preserve natural and cultural resources, use environmentally friendly and renewable energy sources, and support local producers and traditional industries. Green tourism can include ecologically sound holidays in nature reserves, national parks, eco-hotels, and eco-tours. The main goal of green tourism is to ensure harmony between tourist activities and the natural environment, which contributes to preserving biodiversity and ecosystems. Green tourism can be important for rural areas in several ways. Green tourism can become a source of additional income for residents and businesses. It promotes the development of agriculture, crafts, and local products, attracting tourists to purchase local products and services. A significant stimulating effect of the development of green tourism can be the improvement of tourist infrastructure in rural areas, such as hotels, restaurants, tourist routes, and other services that contribute to improving residents’ quality of life. Therefore, green tourism can play an important role in promoting rural areas’ economic, socio-cultural, and ecological development.

Keywords: green tourism, green marketing, agribusiness, customer life cycle, green estate, socially responsible marketing.


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The article was received 02.11.2024