УДК: 334. 72. 338. 48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-38
JEL classification: L83
Introduction. Today before the domestic tourist market, including the market of industrial tourism services is the task of integration into the European tourist space. At the same time, in order to achieve the possible benefits of integration cooperation, Ukraine’s tourism policy should be aimed at meeting the requirements of member states of the European Community and provide the necessary radical changes at all levels of management of industrial tourism market development.
The purpose of this article is identification of strategic priorities for tourism development in the Kherson region.
Results. The article examines the tourist flows of the Kherson region for 2000-2017. The growth of tourist flows is revealed, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of the region’s economy. At the same time, negative trends in the level of tourist flows in the Kherson region are shown, which demonstrate the gradual degradation of this area and require immediate development of a mechanism for the formation and development of the tourist services regional market. The structure analysis of the sanatorium-resort base in Kherson region is made on the basis of official statistical data on sanatoriums, which are a profile type of means for accommodation of medical and health tourism. The proposed creation of a single database of recreational and tourist facilities will allow potential customers to choose travel destinations, sort by certain characteristics (existing service, destinations).
Conclusions. Active development of the recreational and tourist sphere as a part of the national economy in Ukraine should become one of the priority tasks in line with the state policy and optimization of the economy. The recreational and tourist sphere has significant resources and factors to become an important catalyst for the successful development of the national economy both in the country as a whole and in the regions. The important step in the direction of effective institutional support of the state recreational and tourist policy of Ukraine should also be the improvement of its economic mechanisms, among which an important place is occupied by financial (tax, budget) and investment measures.
Key words: tourism, tourist branch, recreation, market of tourist services, innovations of tourism, infrastructure, tourist streams, strategy.
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The article was received 12.10.2020