УДК: 338.443
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-37
JEL classification: M12; Q13
The purpose of the presented research is to analyze the tasks of personnel management in the context of digitalization of technologies in the context of the strategic directions implementation of agricultural enterprises development. The interconnection and coordination of the personnel management strategy and the general strategy of the enterprise are considered. The significance of personnel management strategy in the hierarchy of the organization strategy is determined. Thus, the strategy of personnel management is referred to the number of functional strategies, as well as the strategy of personnel development to the operational strategies. The analysis of the general laws of modern development of society allowed to state the fact of the digitalization processes actualization in the social space, based on the widespread use of personal computer technology. The consequence of economic-mathematical methods, means of computer engineering and communication in the system of organizational and managerial structure elements in the management system of the production organization, including personnel management, are shown. The tasks of the personnel management system are structured, for the solution of which special mathematical methods can be used. Trends in the development of information processing procedures in personnel management systems of modern enterprises are revealed. The evolution of personnel management technology is outlined, which has a tendency to change the functionality of information systems on the basis of their expansion. The classification of software products used in the practice of personnel management services of domestic agricultural enterprises is presented. The conditions of successful realization of personnel management tasks at the agricultural enterprise with application of digital technologies are allocated. Potential areas for improving the efficiency of personnel management system based on the use of economic and mathematical methods, modern digital technologies, namely the optimization of management processes, document management, rationalization of quantitative parameters of management staff based on reducing the complexity of processes, improving the reliability of information flows, quality management are represented.
Keywords: agricultural enterprise, strategic orientation, personnel management, digital technologies, digitalization.
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The article was received 10.10.2020