УДК 336.76:336.027:338.24
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-8
JEL classification: E 44; O 16; O 43; P 21
The article investigates the problem of ensuring the functioning of the securities market infrastructure of Ukraine. The analysis had been conducted through the prism of securities market participants’ protection. The author has proposed to introduce the institute for protection of small investors in the stock market by the way of reorganization of the Deposit Guarantee Fund like in the Estonian and Lithuanian models. The Fund is tasked with the following in order to support the infrastructure of protection: to accumulate funds, to invest in managed funds and to pay insurance payments promptly in the case of an insurance event.
On the basis of analytical data, the results from the implementation of the Fund are determined: accumulation of budgets to guarantee protection, increase in the value of securities in circulation, protection due to compensation of the guaranteed sums to small investors and the actual income from the functioning of the Fund.
Another aspect of using strategic tools in stock market infrastructure is «FinTech» and blockchain technologies. Using of these technologies and the leading positions of Ukraine in the world are emphasized. Advantages of the blockchain technology implementation into the stock market infrastructure of Ukraine and economic feasibility are shown. The obligatory availability of electronic infrastructure for both the state and individual participants of the stock market is substantiated for the effective functioning of modern financial instruments.
The author demonstrates the advantages of implementing blockchain technology in the stock market infrastructure of Ukraine and economic feasibility.
Positive aspects of cooperation of powerful financial companies and blockchain institutions are shown, as well as problems of non-regulation of this issue in the Ukrainian legislation. A special place in the economics of stock market infrastructure is given to innovative money transfer systems. It has been found that the use of the Ripple system can form the basis of the infrastructure for quick and much cheaper internal payments in the stock market.
Key words: stock market, infrastructure, institutions of infrastructure, guarantee fund, investments, blockchain technologies, «FinTech».
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The article was received 20.06.2019