УДК 339.9 : 327.7

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-35

Minenko Sofiia,
PhD, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department Management, Business and Administration,
State Biotechnological University
Prykhodko Maksym,
3rd year Postgraduate student, specialty 073 Management,
Department Management, Business and Administration,
State Biotechnological University

JEL classification: L66; Q18

The article examines the current problem of ensuring food security in Ukraine in the context of geopolitical instability, which affects the agro-food market and food industry. Particular attention is paid to the challenges associated with the instability of international trade relations, economic sanctions, and the growing demand for functional food products. The authors analyze the current state of food security in Ukraine, considering the impact of market conditions and state policy on the availability and quality of food products. The paper highlights key strategic areas for ensuring food security, including the introduction of innovative technologies, the development of production based on the domestic raw material base, the creation of products with improved physiological properties, as well as the modernization of production facilities to increase their efficiency and environmental sustainability. Special emphasis is placed on developing environmentally safe production, which is focused on forming competitive products with high-added value for domestic consumption and export. The authors emphasize the importance of integrating national strategies into the context of global challenges ensuring food security, sustainable development, and adaptation to climate change. The article emphasizes the role of state policy in forming an effective system of access to quality food, which is the basis of social stability and economic development. The prospects for the development of functional food products in the market are also considered, as they can satisfy the growing consumer demand for healthy food and contribute to improving the population’s standard of living. The study offers specific recommendations for improving food policy, focusing on the need for state regulation, supporting low-income groups, stimulating local production, and reducing dependence on imports. The presented results are the basis for further scientific research in ensuring food security in Ukraine in the face of global challenges and crises.

Keywords: food security, agri-food market, functional products, sustainable development, innovative technologies, competitiveness.


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The article was received 02.11.2024