УДК [338.439.02] : 330.522

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-10

Anastasiia Dmytrivna MOSTOVA
PhD in Economic, Associate Professor of the International Marketing Department
Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro

JEL classification: Q10; Q18; O13


Introduction. The current conditions of the development of socio-economic relations, the formation of a single economic space and globalization processes require Ukraine to formulate economic development strategies aimed at achieving strategic priorities, goals and objectives. The availability of effective economic strategies allows the management of socio-economic processes at the state level, taking into account external and internal environmental factors.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to formulate theoretical and methodological foundations of the strategy of economic development of the state.

Methods. The methods of system analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical, monographic, generalization, were used in the study.

Results. The study of strategy as a scientific category is conducted. Theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the study of strategy as a social phenomenon are analyzed. The development of fundamental scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of strategy is shown. The key tasks of the strategy are considered in determining the limits of adaptation to external factors, and the creation of a concept that is sufficiently stable and flexible to achieve the set goals, regardless of the influence of external forces. The approaches to the strategy are described as a state document that defines the targets for the future, and outlines the main directions of ensuring the vital interests of the country. The boundary is drawn between the importance of strategy for establishing laws and mechanisms of public administration, processes of development and decision making, and substantiation of methodology for setting strategic goals and objectives, choosing the tools for their implementation in accordance with the existing system of industrial relations and economic processes of the state. The necessity of setting the target criterion as a result of the objective regularities of development of the subject of the strategy, as well as the integration of the strategy and economic processes of the state to create an effective economic strategy is proved. The object and the subject of the economic strategy are defined and its purpose and goals are formulated. The mechanisms and tasks of strategy and tactics are analyzed and the essence of the state economic policy is revealed. It is shown that the directions of economic policy are closely connected with the general directions of the state policy, providing adjustment of economic strategies of the subjects of lower levels while adjusting the goals, priorities and tasks of the economic strategy of the state.

Keywords: economic development, economic strategy, state economic policy.


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The article was received 12.02.2019