УДК: 338.2;
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-5
JEL classification: М29
The study aims to identify the strategic aspects of adaptive management of the economic security of enterprises to ensure continuous development through self-organization and self-regulation. The article defines the essence of economic security of the enterprise as a state of the most effective use of resources to prevent threats to its economic condition and ensure the stable functioning of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the multifaceted nature of approaches in the interpretation of adaptive management forms the necessary basis for justifying the possibility of its application in managing enterprises’ economic security and the formation of relevant methodological principles. The definition of adaptive management of the economic security of the enterprise is proposed as the management of the adaptation of the enterprise to external and internal threats to its economic condition due to the efficiency of the use of resources to minimize adverse effects and ensure the stable functioning of the enterprise. The formation of the co-evolutionary basis has been improved and supplemented through the generalization of the content of scientific approaches to the management of the economic security of the enterprise by emphasizing the strategic direction, which allows predicting the influence of external and internal factors on the functioning of the enterprise and determining the strategy of protection against possible threats. It is outlined that the system of adaptive management of economic security of the enterprise is largely determined by the external and internal environment of its functioning, which determines the need to regulate the interaction of system elements and parameters and the need to form a strategy of adaptive management of economic security of enterprises. It was determined that the strategy of adaptive management of the economic security of enterprises is a general direction of activity that ensures adaptability to the negative impact of external and internal threats that destabilize development, as well as ensures the sustainable implementation of the leading commercial interests and goals of the enterprise’s functioning.
Keywords: security; system; management; strategy; adaptive management; economic security; strategy of adaptive management of economic security of the enterprise.
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The article was received 15.02.2023