УДК: 338.262.7:330.33

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-2-30

PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

JEL classification: E27; L16; L51; O21


Introduction. Today, ensuring high-quality socio-economic development and high rates of economic growth of the domestic economy, based on the model of sustainable development, is virtually impossible without effective structural reform of the real sector of the national economy. And one of the key tools to achieve these strategic goals is the method of program-targeted management, which requires the development and implementation of new approaches to its effective application.

The purpose of the article is to develop parameters for improving the effectiveness of program-targeted management in the system of structural reform of the national economy.

Results. The issue of application of program-target management in the implementation of structural reform of the national economy is investigated in the work. The foreign experience on application of levers of program-target management in maintenance of structural transformations in branches of real sector of economy is analyzed. In addition, a list of basic programs in developed countries is identified and their features are presented. The author’s definition of the state target program on the basis of the project approach to the organization of the system of management of macroeconomic processes is substantiated. The main problems of state programming of structural transformations in Ukrainian economy are clarified. The organizational model of program-target providing of structural reforming of Ukrainian economy is offered. Measures to improve the domestic system of state planning, forecasting and programming have been identified.

Conclusions. The approach proposed in the study to the program-targeted support of structural reform of Ukrainian economy is aimed at optimizing the tools of economic programming, in particular, determining their integrity and interrelation in achieving strategic goals, ensuring vertical integration of budget expenditures, improving the system of control and accountability of officials.

Keywords: strategic planning, program-target management, macroeconomic forecasting, national economy, structural reform.


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The article was received 05.03.2020