УДК: 639.3:577.4(477):634.9

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-53

Margasova Viktoriya,
Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, National University «Chernihivska Politehnika», https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8582-2158
Vdovenko Nataliia,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine,
Koval Victor,
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Izmail State University of Humanities,

JEL classification: O13; Q13

The article represents the study of the development of the basic principles of the regulation in the market of fish and organic aquaculture products in the world and the adaptation of the principles, methods, and tools of state regulation in order to develop proposals for the effective functioning of this market in Ukraine. The fact that there is a demand for organic fish has been roven, which, in the long run, encourages the development of effective strategies to meet the needs of consumers. Organic aquaculture has significantly impacted economic aspects such as niche food production, ecology, environment, and rural development. The transition from conventional to organic aquaculture production in Ukraine takes time. However, it can bring significant benefits, including improving the quality of fish and fish products, preserving the environment, increasing consumer awareness, rural development, and industry competitiveness. It is proposed to consider the needs of target markets and consumer demand for the further development of organic aquaculture in Ukraine and the world. Organic aquaculture can be an essential direction for developing fish farming providing high-quality and environmentally friendly organic aquaculture products. For this, it is necessary to improve the mechanisms and methods of state industry regulation while creating conditions for fish producers through regulatory measures to meet the needs of consumers in organic aquaculture products. The dynamics of the formation of the system of EU regulations and UN FAO documents in organic production are given. It was concluded that the further improvement of the normative and legal regulation method is a priority task for ensuring the quality of manufactured organic products and the stability of the functioning of the fishery. Organic production has its characteristics and requirements, which lead to the provision of control, supervision of certification, and labeling of products, which encourage further research in conditions of extraordinary challenges.

Keywords: market, fishery, state regulation, industry, organic aquaculture products, tools, method of regulation, development, demand, supply.


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The article was received 10.02.2023