УДК 334.716:664 (477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-13

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Uman National University of Gardens

JEL classification: O13


Introduction. Reforming the agricultural sector of Ukraine’s economy is aimed at developing modern competitive production that can provide not only full satisfaction of domestic demand for food products, but also expand the share of domestic agri-food products in foreign markets. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to form a full-fledged technological chain that would cover all stages of agro-industrial production – from raw materials to the manufacture of finished products.

Purpose. Research of the current state of food industry enterprises of Ukraine and prospects of their development.

Results. The restoration and development of food industry enterprises is an important socio-economic task from the decision, which depends on the success of not only the agrarian reform, but also the transformational transformations of the entire economy of the country.

The dynamics of the number of food processing enterprises in Ukraine is very unstable. This indicates that the transformation processes in the agro-industrial sector are far from complete.

The main reasons for the decrease in the number of meat, milk and fish processing plants are reduction of the raw material base, loss of foreign sales markets, and change in the gastronomic preferences of Ukrainian consumers.

Conclusions. The increase in the number of oil extraction plants is the result of a successful protectionist policy through the introduction of an export duty on sunflower seeds.

A decrease in the number of food industry enterprises engaged in the processing of food grains is due to increased competition, reduced demand, and low development of the export vector of product sales.

To stabilize the number of food industry enterprises and increase production volumes of the corresponding products, it is necessary for owners of enterprises to initiate the formation of integrated holding-type structures to ensure the supply of raw materials of appropriate quality and in sufficient quantities; to organize the production of food products that do not pose a potential threat to the health of consumers; etc.

Key words: processing enterprises, food industry, raw materials, quality, competition, demand, sales markets.


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The article was received 25.07.2020