УДК: 65.014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-27
JEL classification: E22; F01; F02; O00; J00
The article aims to improve the flexible organizational structure formation approach by formulating and explaining the stages of the process and related specifics in the mechanism of the flexible organizational structure formation. The article discusses forming a flexible organizational structure and presents a recommended sequence of stages to achieve this goal. The author draws from various studies on organizational structure formation, contemporary management approaches, and flexible organizational structures. Forming a flexible organizational structure involves several distinct stages, starting with creating a competent team and culminating in the final implementation of the new structure. The recommended steps include analyzing both the external and internal environment of the company, with a focus on VUCA dimensions (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) and business processes. The formation of the organizational structure is to be guided by specific criteria based on the company’s goal subsystem and business processes, with key performance indicators established for measuring the success of the new structure. The article also highlights specific improvements in forming flexible organizational structures, including incorporating process orientation principles and adaptations based on legal changes. It is proved that Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are the most suitable legal form for implementing flexible organizational structures, and the involvement of facilitators in managerial decision-making is recommended to encourage open discussion and resolution of issues. Further research in this field should aim to specify exact procedures for the stages of the discussed approach to the formation of a flexible organizational structure.
Keywords: organizational structure, flexible organizational structure, formation of flexible organizational structure, approach to formation of flexible organizational structure, mechanism of formation of flexible organizational structure, principles of formation of flexible organizational structure, process approach.
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The article was received 25.02.2023