УДК 330.3

Anatolii Ivanovych GULEI
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chairman of the Board of Interbank Currency Exchange
Stanislav Anatoliiovych GULEI
Master, Ternopil National Economic University


The article studies the socio-economic effects of the digital technologies introduction and innovative IT-systems on the main target markets of Industry 4.0. The progressive development of socio-economic processes and evolutionary peculiarities of the epochs of four industrial revolutions was analyzed. The main factors of value added formation in the business environment are revealed, the possibilities and economic effects of the introduction of innovative IT-systems with the purpose of increasing the business activity indicators and business efficiency are described. It is proved that investments in new technologies are able to provide, at a minimum, the same added value to which labor-intensive alternatives are capable. The digitalization influence on the improvement of the labor market functioning, reduction of the professional imbalances risks and adaptation of employees professional competencies to innovative vectors of companies, regions, states is analyzed.


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The article was received 20.08.2018