УДК: 338.1:631

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-1-23

Doctor of Sciences (Economy), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Audit, Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

JEL classification: E24; J21


The article highlights the current problems of employment in the rural areas of the region, reveals the need to increase it, and outlines aspects of a socio-economic nature. It was established that the current socio-economic state of rural areas, as well as the agrarian sector of the economy, is in a critical phase, which entails the destabilization of the entire economy. At the same time, the main problem is clearly outlined – there is a large labor potential in the Ukrainian countryside, which is not engaged in productive work. The agrarian sector, which is dominant in rural areas today, is the largest area for the population to realize its labor potential. Agricultural enterprises and households (personal peasant farms) are the main organizational forms of employment of the population of rural areas in the agricultural sector. The directions for the development of employment in rural areas are justified, where the introduction of green tourism is proposed as an important component of increasing the employment of the rural population in the region. Strategic directions for increasing the employment of the population of rural areas have been identified, in particular: the use of material support and the initiative of unemployed citizens to organize their own business activities; improvement of educational and professional training of the population in accordance with the needs of the economy and the rural labor market; promoting the development of small and medium-sized businesses through the introduction of green tourism; increasing the volume of agricultural products, which will create prerequisites for the reproduction of jobs; eliminating the imbalance of the labor market by taking the necessary measures at both macro and micro levels. It is suggested that the most promising way to provide employment in the countryside is to use such a type of entrepreneurial activity as green tourism, which is recognized in Europe as a priority in the field of recreation, because the perspective of rural areas, their infrastructure, the filling of the local budget, and the growth of the well-being of territorial residents largely depend on its effective communities development. In addition, green tourism expands the sphere of employment of the rural population, creates new jobs, especially for women.

Keywords: rural population, region, employment, rural areas, green tourism.


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The article was received 15.01.2022