УДК: 330.83
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2021-2-1
JEL classification: Q01; Q56
The purpose of the article is to analyze the transformation of methodological principles of economic processes research, which is a consequence of the paradigm shift in development based on the principles of sustainability. The expansion of the subject field of economic theory is associated with the processes of globalization, environmental challenges, the transformation of social interaction, a qualitatively new stage of the scientific and information revolution, a change in the share of the financial sector in the structure of the economy. The historical aspect of the theory of development evolution is revealed taking into account the specific features of different historical epochs. The category of rationality and mechanisms of achieving economic systems balance (from the principle of “invisible hand” to the principle of purposefulness based on the anthropocentric definition of the economic development model) are investigated. The philosophical bases of changing the way of thinking and mechanisms motivating economic subjects according to a paradigm of sustainable development are analyzed. The formation stages of the sustainable development paradigm in a systematized form based on the chronological sequence are presented. Modern concepts of development are considered, in which the issue of achieving economic growth loses its relevance as the central goal of economic policy, the components that make up the content of sustainability come ahead. The main transformation direction of the methodology for research of economic phenomena and processes, the content of which is a shift in the philosophy of management, which is manifested in the addition of non-economic components of understanding economic rationality as the basis of motivational mechanism of economic entities. Analysis of the sustainable development evolution suggests that the main subject of research within economic theory was to find ways to ensure the coevolution of economic, social and environmental components of social development, which is based on a methodology for finding mechanisms to mitigate internal conflicts by finding objectively determined functional relationships.
Key words: research methodology, economic processes, paradigm, sustainable development, principle of rationality, market self-organization.
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The article was received 22.04.2021