УДК: 331.101.3:658
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-11
JEL classification: J41; M55
The article’s purpose is the scientific substantiation of the theoretical-methodical and applied principles of the settlement of labor conflicts utilizing labor organization at the enterprise. The report defines the importance of using various means of settling labor conflicts at the enterprise, of which priority is given to labor organizations. The elements of labor organization are highlighted depending on the specifics of labor conflict resolution. Labor organization is considered an important area of enterprise management, in which complex tasks of establishing social and labor relations, implementing progressive methods of motivating, and stimulating personnel, ensuring increased productivity and labor efficiency, improving social responsibility, and others are solved. It is emphasized that at enterprises, labor organization takes place in various forms, and, according to them, the factors of settlement of labor conflicts are highlighted. The principles of labor organization in settling labor conflicts at the enterprise are defined. The peculiarities of the labor remuneration system, which determine the characteristics of the personnel organization for the settlement of labor conflicts at the enterprise, are highlighted. All this requires significant organizational efforts to form an attractive internal social and labor environment in which work is effectively stimulated, employment conditions are improved, and sufficient productivity and efficiency of the performed work operations are obtained. At the same time, it becomes essential to avoid threats and risks of labor conflicts when trying to implement progressive labor standards, strengthen control of labor operations, increase requirements for the quality of performance of production tasks, expand areas of high responsibility for performed work, etc. It was concluded that the work organization should take place based on the interests of employees, which mainly relate to receiving and increasing wages, creating proper working conditions, and establishing partnerships in social and labor relations.
Keywords: labor conflicts, labor organization, labor payment, settlement, enterprise.
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The article was received 18.02.2023