УДК: 347.441.13

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-44

Volodymyr І. Piliavskii
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD),
Doctoral Candidate; International University of Business and Law

JEL classification: M12; M51


Introduction. The article is devoted to solving one of the important tasks of outsourcing – assessing the potential of the applicant company for executing the activity, business process, functions that the customer company must outsource because their independent implementation requires significant time and resources. The algorithm of step-by-step selection of the outsourcing partner-executor starting from the study of the outsourcing services market is determined. The evaluation criteria by types are considered and classified.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodical approach to the selection of an outsourcing partner based on the criteria of timely provision of services, their quality and efficiency.

Results. It is offered to carry out a verbal assessment of the candidate for outsourcers according to organizational, social, economic, legal criteria. It is established that among the economic criteria it is necessary to calculate indicators: timely provision of services, their quality and efficiency. It is proposed to compare the value of the assessment of the candidate’s economic criteria with the outsourcing performer with the reference indicators. It is proposed to establish a generalized coefficient of economic criteria with the provision of weights and determine its numerical value from 0 to 1. The obtained generalized coefficient of evaluation of the applicant in the executor of outsourcing activity of the enterprise is compared on numerical intervals of the modified Harrington scale and the level of efficiency of use of outsourcing is established. It is noted that when the bidder does not meet the level of evaluation criteria, his application for participation in the tender is not considered, and the candidate in the contractor is refused to cooperate.

Conclusions. The highlighted positive evaluation of candidates is the basis for further tender procedures. According to the results of the tender, the outsourcing companies are ranked by the level of their generalized evaluation coefficient. Preference is given to the outsourcing contractor who offers the lowest cost of the task and has the highest value of the generalized criterion for assessing the effectiveness of customer service that uses outsourcing.

Key words: outsourcing, partner, executor, efficiency evaluation, evaluation criteria, algorithm, integral criterion.


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The article was received 25.09.2020