УДК: 005.334:65.012.8:336:33:338.4(477)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-51

Svydruk Irena,
Lviv University of Trade and Economics,
Klepanchuk Olha,
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Accounting and Taxation, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,

JEL classification: D81; G32; H56

The article considers the issue of identifying the risks of financial and economic security of the priority sectors of the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of challenges and threats of war and post-war recovery. The priority industries during the war were identified: agro-industry, food production, retail trade, the energy industry, utilities, and the military-industrial complex. The financial and economic security of priority industries should become the basis of the long-term development of the state, which determines the relevance of the study of existing and potential risks of its provision. It was found that the financial and economic security of the priority sectors of the economy is determined by achieving a state of the financial system that is resistant to shocks and imbalances, ensuring the country’s stable socio-economic development. An analysis of the leading indicators of the development of the economy of Ukraine in the pre-war period was carried out, which showed the ability of the priority sectors of the economy to function under the circumstances of force majeure. The positive influence on the financial and economic security of the leading sectors of the economy in the pre-war period, factors of growth of investment attractiveness, and capital investments were determined. The risks inherited from the economy of the pre-war period are analyzed: the raw model of development, underinvestment in innovative projects, lack of diversification of energy supply, limited access to resources and bank lending, and excessive fiscal burden. The most significant losses of priority sectors of the economy due to the destruction of production facilities, suspension of investment projects, decrease in demand for products, and destruction of infrastructure were determined. It was outlined that a sustainable post-war recovery needs to overcome challenges: the cessation of business entities, the growth of unemployment and the outflow of labor, logistics problems, the destruction of supply chains, and freezing investment projects of innovative development. The risks of ensuring financial and economic security are identified, which form restrictions on economic development in the post-war period: inhibition of the inflow of investments, an increase in the rate of return on investments, and a high share of state spending on military needs. Further research is proposed to be carried out to develop mechanisms for overcoming the risks of financial and economic security of priority sectors of the economy.

Keywords: financial-economic security; investments; innovative projects; risks; economic recovery.


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The article was received 02.03.2023