УДК: 519.8:658.7:658.8

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-22

Nataliia Makarenko
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics,
Sumy National Agrarian University

JEL classification: D81; L91


Introduction. In modern business conditions, many companies use strategic logistics management, which is used to minimize the costs of logistics channels and ensure the competitive advantage of enterprises. A modern agricultural enterprise operates in conditions of uncertainty and risks that complicate the possibility of planning, and the lack of an integrated basic strategy of the economy can affect its competitiveness negatively. The approaches and methods proposed in scientific publications, proposed to address the issues of risk assessment of strategic management of logistics activities of agricultural enterprises, are only partial or highly specialized in nature, and they need improvement.

The purpose of the article is to develop methodological principles of system risk analysis of strategic management of logistics activities of agricultural enterprises.

Results. It is substantiated that the logistics systems of agricultural enterprises operate in conditions of uncertainty and dynamism of the external environment, so an important principle of its operation is high reliability, stability, flexibility and adaptability to changes in its operating conditions. The conditions for the effectiveness of logistics solutions in agricultural enterprises are established. It is determined that in the economic-mathematical model, which would take into account the level of risk of logistics activities, it is proposed to take into account such a principle for an agricultural enterprise as a relative change in income, which should exceed the relative change in costs. It is outlined that this will contribute to the fact that the cost of basic logistics tools for the period under study will be effective, and in contrast there will be the excess of the relative change in costs over the change in income. A system of risk assessment of strategic management of logistics activities at agricultural enterprises is proposed. Measures to respond to the impact of uncertainty on flow management in logistics systems of enterprises have been identified.

Key words: uncertainty, logistics risks, risk assessment, logistics activity, logistics systems, strategic management.


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The article was received 25.09.2020