УДК: 332.1:338.46(477)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-1
JEL classification: Q01; F52
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of Ukraine’s territorial development, the assessment of economic losses from the war, and the definition of directions for post-war recovery. The prerequisites for sustainable development of territorial units in restoring economic potential have been characterized. The assessment of the patterns and peculiarities of economic development of Ukraine and its individual territories before the war was carried out. The dynamics of Ukraine’s position in the world ranking by the Competitiveness Index was analyzed, and it was determined that before the war, there was a specific stability in ranking, but with an insufficient level of competitiveness. Significant territorial differences in the economic development of regions and territorial communities of Ukraine were proved, which intensified because of the war. The assessment of economic losses of regions of Ukraine from the war was carried out. It was determined that the following regions suffered the most: Donetsk, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Mykolaiv, Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv, and Chernihiv – historical examples of successful economic recovery of countries after the war were considered. The ways to restore the economic potential of the territorial development of Ukraine were outlined. It is necessary to deregulate the economy and create favorable business conditions to attract investment and stimulate production development. It is necessary to strengthen the institutions responsible for planning and implementing economic policy to manage the economic recovery process effectively. It is necessary to eliminate the above factors to improve Ukraine’s competitiveness and territorial development of its economic potential. It is necessary to reduce corruption and increase transparency. This can be done through judicial reform, the introduction of anti-corruption measures, and increased transparency in the activities of government bodies. Creating a stable and predictable business climate is essential to ensuring the rule of law, stable legislative norms, and tax policy. In the context of Ukraine’s territorial development, infrastructure development through investment in transport, energy, and logistics infrastructure, as well as increasing the level of innovation, is particularly important. This can be done through education reform, increased funding for scientific research and innovation, and creating a favorable environment for developing small and medium-sized businesses. Restoring Ukraine’s economic potential for territorial development is essential for restoring the country and ensuring the well-being of its population. Applying a comprehensive approach that considers internal and external factors will be necessary to implement this task successfully. The economic potential of territories is a critically important factor for the stability and sustainable development of the country. In the future, it is essential to develop and implement mechanisms for an adequate assessment of the losses of each region, territorial community, and settlement of Ukraine from the war and determine ways to compensate them. Economic security should be critical to restoring the economic potential of Ukraine’s territorial development. Implementing effective risk management strategies and ensuring economic stability are essential prerequisites for the successful recovery of the economy and ensuring the sustainable development of Ukraine’s territories.
Keywords: sustainable territorial development, region, territorial community, territorial units, economic potential, economic assessment of losses, economic security.
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The article was received 15.12.2023