УДК 339.168.6:338.47

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-38

PhD in Economics, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

JEL classification: Q12


Introduction. The regions of Ukraine have different natural resource potential, which requires determining the relationship and dependence between its quantitative and qualitative characteristics and the effectiveness of socio-economic development of the region. In each territory, a certain relationship and integrity of the components of its potential is formed, which determines the level of competitiveness of the territory. At the same time, the problems of resource development of competitive advantages of the agrisphere of the region remain unresolved and require additional study.

The purpose of this article is study of the peculiarities of resource provision of competitive advantages in the agrisphere of the region.

Results. The article substantiates the concept of ensuring the competitiveness of the agrisphere of the region provides for the establishment of certain parameters of socio-economic, natural-ecological and institutional components, and substantiation of directions and ways to achieve them. The study found that the primary goals in the formation of competitive positions in the agrisphere of the region are: increasing the competitiveness of agricultural production in the region by ensuring the rational use of natural resource potential and the introduction of new resource-efficient technologies; reducing costs and improving the quality of agri-food products through the introduction of mechanisms for vertical and horizontal integration; increasing the level of employment of the rural population in the region; motivation of interests of agricultural producers, etc. The key conditions and factors contributing to the formation of competitive advantages of the agrisphere of the region are the following: increasing the level of sectoral differentiation of the economy; increasing the amount of investment in the agricultural sector of the region; introduction of innovations and formation of innovation environment; optimization of operational processes in the agrisphere of the region and increase of the level of actions coordination of the agrisphere subjects; stimulating domestic and external demand for agri-food products, etc.

Conclusions. The implementation of the regional resource conservation policy requires the regio-nal authorities to strengthen control over the state of the environment, the introduction of new resource-efficient (low- and zero-waste) technologies in the field of agricultural production. Ratio-nal use of natural resource potential of agricultural production and ensuring environmental safety is one of the most important conditions for expanded reproduction in the agrisphere of the region.

Key words: resource provision, competitive advantages, competition, agricultural production, regional development, agrisphere of the region.


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The article was received 28.01.2020