УДК 338.484

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-12

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Wine Technology and Tourism Business, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies

JEL classification: L83


Introduction. The tourism industry is the most profitable industry in the region and the most profitable part of the budgets of various kinds. Since the tourism market is considered as an important socio-economic component of the region, we propose to summarize its substantive characteristics as a market in which the processes of purchase and sale of different types of tourism services are coordinated given the socio-economic characteristics of the region between its subjects.

The purpose of this article is to research regulatory and legal peculiarities of regional markets of tourist service activities in Ukraine.

Results. The rapid development of regional tourism markets is associated with the failure and spontaneity of the following processes in Ukraine: the emergence of the fourth technological method of production; expanding the range of cognitive, therapeutic and other conscious needs of the tourist offer by the consumer; the emergence of globalization, innovation and digitalization of society; priority of formation of international contact agreements and interacting agreements; growth of consumer profitability. For the efficiency of regulation of the tourist market, there should be a constant relationship between the service sector, hotel and accommodation establishments and the subjects of the tourist market. Tour agents and tour operators are the executive branch of the tourist market. The legislative link is local authorities, which are subordinated to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine.

Conclusions. Transformational shifts in the economic system of our country, structurally improved policy, increasing incomes have become a prerequisite for improving the tourism market. This has led to changes in the permitting system of tourism business through the use of licensed and certified approaches to tourism, which should ensure the highest quality of tourism services themselves. To avoid the shortcomings, a number of measures should be taken: limit VAT on imported equipment; simplify the procedure for obtaining a license by tourism entities; reduce taxes on tourism entities that implement modernization of facilities.

Key words: regulatory and legal support, regional tourist markets, tourist service, regulation of activity, tourism infrastructure.


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The article was received 11.10.2020