УДК: 338.462

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-42

Anna O. Sarkisyan
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Wine Technology and Tourism Business, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Iryna V. Krupitsa
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism Business and Recreation, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies
Svitlana I. Pavliuk
PhD (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Hotel and Catering Industry and Business Organization, Mykolaiv National Agrarian University
Yuriy О. Panasyuk
student of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

JEL classification: L83


Introduction. The tourism industry plays a significant role in the development of the national economy. For some countries, tourism is the main source of income. The tourism sector creates new jobs, stimulates the development of other sectors of the economy, increases labor productivity through recreational functions, increases turnover within the country with domestic tourists, and creates conditions with outside tourists.

The purpose of article is study of the current level of state support for the tourism industry of the country, identification of shortcomings and further prospects for state regulation of the development of the tourism sector of Ukraine.

Results. The article examines the state of the tourism market in Ukraine at the moment, highlights the main factors hindering the development of the tourism sector in modern conditions, substantiates the relevance of using tourism development programs in the region. The description of complex programs of tourism development of the region and the process of their creation is carried out. The state of development and implementation of programs for the tourism sector development of the region in the Volyn region and the city of Lutsk is studied, the problems of its implementation in connection with the global economic crisis in the world are highlighted. Promising directions for the development of domestic tourism are proposed in connection with the reduction of population mobility.

Conclusions. The tourism sector is an important component of the economy because it stimulates the development of other sectors. In modern conditions, there are obstacles to the development of tourism in Ukraine. That is why the state must regulate and stimulate the development of the tourism sector. The best method of such incentives is to create regional development programs that will allow the comprehensive implementation of measures aimed at stimulating the development of the tourism industry. The tourism industry has been hit hard by the global crisis. There are also problems with the implementation of tourism development programs in the regions. However, with the decline in international population mobility, new prospects for the development of domestic tourism have emerged that require further research.

Key words: tourism, tourism sector, tourism development program of the region, tourist infrastructure, Volyn region.


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The article was received 03.11.2020