УДК: 65.014.1: 003.13
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-6
JEL classification: О32; Р41
The article considers the development of integration mechanisms as a direction of strategic management in the implementation of procedures for reengineering business projects. The basis for reengineering is certain production and commercial processes – business projects, which are separated from the general business structure of the company to ensure partial involvement of innovative tools to generate and implement appropriate algorithms for reengineering and strengthen action on specific market activities. Theoretical developments on outlining the possibilities of ensuring the competitive development of business projects through the involvement of tools in the field of management, the formation of various models of organizational structures and areas of attracting financial resources are presented. It is proposed to build a reengineering model for projects through the basis of technological development, organizational development and market development. Prospects for the integration of organizational and management system through a set of tools and taking into account the results of their interaction are outlined. The directions of attraction of financial resources to business projects are presented, possibilities and prospects of project financing are defined, formation of a portfolio for increase of investment attractiveness, attraction of crediting mechanisms are considered. Recommendations for involving the integration mechanism of business project reengineering are developed and algorithms of procedural implementation are presented with definition of features of introduction of risk management models. The article provides a theoretical basis and formulates practical proposals for effective development of business projects on the basis of reengineering and activation of market behavior. Market activity of business entities in the implementation of individual projects is based on the prerequisites for the creation of internal key competencies and external market success factors by strengthening the innovative orientation of business in the current uncertainty of economic systems.
Keywords: business project, business process reengineering, organizational mechanism, management mechanism, financial mechanism, integration mechanisms, risk management, effectiveness.
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The article was received 01.04.2022