УДК: 338.24:330.837:339.543
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-48
JEL classification: L83; F41
Tourism entrepreneurship is important to the development of the economy, supplementing the revenue of the state and local budgets with tax revenues, providing jobs, raising the cultural and spiritual level of citizens, promoting the sale of goods and services related to tourism, which is an impetus for their effective functioning (hotel , restaurant business, catering, trade, transport, entertainment industry, etc.). Ukraine has great resource potential for the development of tourism, first of all, unique natural and historical and cultural objects. It is famous for its gastronomic culture, national cuisine, products of folk crafts, traditions, unique folklore and color, hospitality, as well as qualified, hardworking personnel. By 2019, according to the rating of attractiveness for foreign tourists, Ukraine was among the 30 most attractive countries in the world. The negative impact of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as the war of aggression unleashed by Russia in Ukraine, caused a drop in the population’s income, a sharp reduction in tourist flows, a decrease in socio-economic and financial indicators and the closure of some travel agencies, reorientation of entrepreneurs to other types of activities. The study is dedicated to determining the main ways of recovery and further development of tourism entrepreneurship in Ukraine, taking into account financial and economic, pandemic, political and military challenges. Socio-economic, organizational, environmental and informational measures are proposed, the implementation of which will contribute to the effective conduct of the tourist business and the integration of Ukraine into the EU tourism space.
Keywords: tourism, tourism entrepreneurship, tourism activity, recovery, development, tourist, tourist agent, tourist operator, tourist flow, tourist service, tourist destination, state regulation, tourism infrastructure, information techno-logy, social responsibility, environmental responsibility, integration
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The article was received 16.04.2022