УДК: 338.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-8
JEL classification: L15
Introduction. The question of manufacturing quality products is relevant to any enterprise. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to meet international standards and established requirements. In today’s market conditions, the efforts of commodity producers are aimed at meeting the demand of consumers, which, in turn, are guided by the quality characteristics of the product.
The purpose of the article is coverage of the main issues of product quality, as one of the factors of increasing and ensuring the competitiveness of modern production.
Results. The stages of information support of the decision-making process for the reasonable choice of strategy for managing the quality parameters and image of the enterprise are offered. It is established that the concept of quality should be considered as a balance between the components: formal quality, functional quality and ethical quality.
The role of logistical thinking in ensuring the innovative processes implementation in the enterprise activity is presented. The regularity of production and cash flow management is considered based on the information of the monitoring assessment of the market state and development a strategy. The principles of marketing research are being developed taking into account the logistics chain. This leads to an increase in the role of interaction between the units of the enterprise to ensure the stability of the flow processes from the purchase of raw materials to the sale of finished products.
The necessity to take into account the fundamental relation between the expectations and the real properties of the object is proved when substitutes are available at the market.
The content of risk is defined. An understanding of the specific risk of the company is presented that implements the strategy of improving the quality and competitiveness. A risk group for businesses focused on the production of goods that provide quality of life is considered. Methodical approaches that provide economic stability and rational positioning of the enterprise are considered: the first focused on the production potential formation, the second – on using the diversification principle as a factor of reducing the investment risk of implementing a quality improvement program in the marketing area.
Conclusions. The main problem in the quality management system is the establishment of indicators and the sensitivity degree of demand for products and its characteristics. The crucial importance of investment in ensuring an adequate level of product quality necessitates the need to manage projects on the basis of assessing models the capital assets performance by the criteria of minimizing investment risk and maximizing profitability.
Key words: product quality, competitiveness, competitive production, enterprise, competitiveness factors.
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The article was received 25.02.2019