УДК: 323.213:342
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-30
JEL classification: D82; M15
Introduction. The current stage of development of the techno sphere and the global information network not only destroyed the monopoly on information, but also contributed to the formation of a new socio-political culture, the emergence of effective forms of citizen participation in assessing socially important issues and identifying areas of social change. information support of their activities, which should be aimed at creating, organizing the functioning and improvement of information systems that serve the successful implementation of management tasks in close cooperation between government and society.
The purpose of the research is to try to consider in detail the concept of «public administration system» and further specify the possibilities of its application in the field of information and communication activities of public authorities.
The results clarify the essence of the phenomenon «mechanisms of public administration of information and communication activities of public authorities»; the main determinants of information and communication activities of public authorities and components of the mechanism of state management of this process are established, and also the basic mechanisms of state management of information and communication activities of public authorities are determined, namely: organizational and legal, financial and economic and socio-psychological.
Conclusions. The use of information and communication technologies contributes to the development and production of materials for cultural and educational purposes and their dissemination; provides an opportunity for all persons to play a more active role in society at the national, regional and local levels through the use of the latest information technologies in order to: ensure unimpeded access to information about local, regional administrative and legal services and direct links with them; access to official texts of local, regional and national laws and regulations, international agreements and decisions of national and international judicial bodies; promoting the widest possible access to the latest information technologies and communication services.
Keywords: mechanism of public administration, communications, information support, public authorities.
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The article was received 05.01.2020