УДК 338.637
JEL classification: M15; M31; Q13
Introduction. To ensure the proper level of management decisions substantiation, it is necessary to create information security of marketing activities of agro-food enterprises. Strategic marketing goals in the consumer market include a set of time, quantitative and qualitative goals that contribute to the information field formation of the enterprise. Therefore, it is necessary to diagnose problems that may arise due to lack of attention to the current information situation in order to avoid crises and ensure information security.
The purpose of the study is to identify the problem area of information security of the agro-food industry in the market environment.
Results. It is proposed to use the RCA + (Root Conflict Analysis Plus) method to investigate the effects of agri-food enterprise operations from minimizing the costs of maintaining a marketing service to formulate a budget for multipack updating. A number of contradictions were identified in the diagram. It has been determined that a multipack updating initiative may fail due to inefficient communication with consumers. It is proposed to use a modified linear programming problem in the form of target programming (multicriteria optimization) with several objective functions to solve the identified contradictions. The implementation of this method is considered as an example of the new market development project for the meat and sausage products sale by the investigated enterprise. Model conventions are provided. The optimal solution of the task is calculated. The results of targeted programming allow us to obtain effective, but not optimal solutions, designed to maximize the benefits for the most prioritized goals with possible concessions to other parameters. The method of the target functions priority is considered, which received the same potential volume of consumers but at a lower cost. The calculation of the total revenue and margin income for the month of the franchise network outlet. The current costs of maintaining a franchise outlet and gross profit from it are considered.
Conclusions. Methods of solving targeted programming problems are compared to prevent crises due to contradictions of the enterprise budget using: coefficient method and priority method.
Key words: information security, marketing activity, enterprises of agro-food sphere, crisis phenomena, formalization, methods of target programming, contradictions, budget of enterprise.
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The article was received 05.12.2018