УДК 338.482:004:332.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-29
JEL classification: H56; L86; Z32
The article identifies priorities for developing digital tourism products in Ukraine’s post-war recovery, emphasizing the need for secure communication between consumers and providers. The prevailing focus on conventional tourism services in current tourism cash flows is set to be complemented by the potential offered by digital infrastructure and virtual tourism, which are identified as promising avenues for innovation and cultural preservation. The restoration of tourism infrastructure should be primarily guided by the prevalence of physical or virtual travel, as indicated by a strategic matrix proposed for assessing recreational potential in de-occupied territories. The issues of post-war zoning of Ukraine are discussed, which typically categorizes areas as unoccupied, liberated, or active conflict zones that are insufficient for local route planning and safety assessments. Recreational cadastres, now essential for ensuring visitor safety, must list suitable areas and facilities with unique identifiers and geographic coordinates mapped digitally. The article proposes a range of tourism types for different territories, emphasizing a strategic approach to recovery predicated on fluctuations in the popularity of diverse tourism products and geographical areas.
Key words: digital tourism, post-war reconstruction, zoning of recreational areas, strategy matrix, directions of tourism development.
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The article was received 02.11.2024