УДК: 339.5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-35

Olga Khodakivska
Doctor of Economics, professor, corresponding member of NAAS, deputy director on scientific and project work, National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"
Mykola Pugachov
Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of NAAS, deputy director for scientific work, National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"
Nataliia Patyka
Doctor of Economics, associate professor, head of the department of socio-economic development of rural areas, National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"

JEL classification: F13, F14


Introduction. Currently, food exports from Ukraine are in transition. The loss of the Russian market has made it necessary for Ukrainian exporters to find new markets, this search cannot be stopped due to the development of the food industry and food producers. Another reason for finding new markets is the decline in demand for certain food and low wages, which leads to lower profits for processors in the domestic market.

The purpose of the research is to study the Chinese meat and dairy market and prospects for its development for food producers and exporters from Ukraine. In conducting research, a set of the following methods and techniques of scientific knowledge was used: abstract-logical, monographic and economic statistics, methods of analysis and synthesis (in assessing factors for development market processes), the method of scientific comparison.

Results. The article considers the current situation on the market of the Republic of China in the production, import and consumption of meat and dairy products. The import indicators of the most popular product categories, namely the value and quantitative indicators of 2019, have been studied. The largest exporters of all categories of products considered in the article were identified, as well as last year’s production figures and forecasts for future years. The main trends in industrial development were identified. The export system of products to the Republic of China was described and explained with the help of structural-functional method, properties and characteristics of dairy and meat products import were determined by comparison, abstract-logical method allowed to generalize and formulate conclusions and tips for entering the PRC market.

Conclusions. The study identified the most popular products of the meat and dairy industry, and explained their distribution. The current state of the food industry in Ukraine is determined, and recommendations for exporters on the choice of export products and preparation for export are provided. Development of standards and guides for the export development of Ukraine’s meat and dairy products to China would be in great value.

Keywords: market, export, agri-food products, meat and dairy industry, development.


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The article was received 06.10.2020