УДК: 338.432:631.145:631.1.027
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-13
JEL classification: Q 13
The article aims to reveal the specifics of the marketing activities of agrarian enterprises, considering marketing approaches to their management. Differences in the definitions of the terms «sales,» «sales activity,» «sales policy,» «sales activity management system,» and «sales activity management» were revealed. It has been established that «sales» and «sales activity» are interchangeable concepts. It has been proven that the marketing activity of agricultural enterprises has its own characteristics, which are primarily determined by the specifics of products, the sales market, and the state of production systems. It was noted that the implementation of the marketing policy of agricultural enterprises is negatively affected by several factors, most of which are related to the inherited problems of domestic agriculture, in particular, the underdevelopment of logistics, price disparity, and low quality of agricultural raw materials etc. Differences in the organization of agricultural production are also projected on enterprises’ sales activities, particularly the architecture of their sales channels. It was established that, compared to 1991, the volume of crop production in Ukraine during 2014-2022 increased (except factory sugar beets), while livestock production decreased. Agricultural products’ production and sale volumes during 2014…2021 did not undergo significant changes. In 2022, the production volume of the main types of agricultural products decreased, which relates to the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the rf into Ukraine. Prices for all main types of agricultural products in the studied period tend to increase. It was found that there is a conflict of interest between the value chain participants, primarily because each has their commercial interests, which are maximizing profits at the expense of minimizing costs. It is recommended that direct marketing methods using the potential of social networks and the Internet be implemented to ensure a high-income level for representatives of agrarian businesses.
Keywords: sales, sales activity of agricultural enterprises, marketing tools, distribution channels, value chain.
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The article was received 17.12.2023