УДК: 332.14

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-43

Oleksii Solovyov
Postgraduate, Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Nadiia Shmygol
Doctor of Economics, Professor, the Department of Management, «Zaporizhzhya Polytеhniс» National University

JEL classification: L6; L16; М2


Introduction. The constant scientific interest to the problem of the industrial competitiveness management in the context of socio-economic development is caused by their significant impact on the economy of Ukraine as a whole. Many scientists have paid attention to this issue in their work. Carrying out a preliminary thorough analysis of scientific work on the definition of the concept of industrial competitiveness, allowed us to justify the main directions of evaluation and to form the appropriate set of factors that are part of them.

The purpose of the article is to profile the competitiveness of industrial economic activities by a selected set of factors in order to ensure sustainable development on the basis of priority areas of public administration.

Results. We have formed a system of indicators to assess the level of sectoral socio-economic development, which allows us to assess the competitive advantages or reasons for the lag of a particular sector of the economy. To justify economically the priority areas of industrial development, it is necessary to give a generalized assessment of its advantages over other industries and focus on the causes of the lag, in order to eliminate them. For each industrial type of economic activity, a corresponding competitiveness profile was built in the form of petal charts based on ranking. Therefore, the priority areas for the development of industries, in order to increase their competitiveness, include: limiting the role of state and combating non-state monopolies; creating a favorable investment climate; practical implementation of the principles of circular economy; achieving financial well-being in the supply of electricity, gas, steam, water, sewerage and waste management requires, which need, firstly, strict cost optimization, and, secondly, higher prices for these services.

Conclusions. The scientific novelty of this work is to compile profiles of competitiveness of industrial economic activities based on a certain set of factors, in order to ensure sustainable development in the priority areas of public administration, which, unlike existing ones, does not contain the shortcomings of subjectivism, connected to generalization of the results of multifactor comparative analysis.

Key words: industrial competitiveness, management, economic development, competitiveness profiling.


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The article was received 21.09.2020