УДК: 330.341.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-20
JEL classification: O32; L23; L91
The study draws attention to the problems of management of production logistics processes of industrial enterprises, which at the same time specialize in innovative activities and development. The article aims to improve the planning system for aspects of production logistics at creative and active industrial enterprises. The essential understanding of production logistics as a separate section of general logistics, which refers to managing material flows within the limits of production activity: from the primary source of raw materials to the final consumer, is generalized. Reserves for increasing the production volume of innovative products have been identified, which are based on a scientifically based methodology for developing measures for their mobilization. The directions of growth of production volumes due to the identified reserves of reducing the cost of production of innovatively active industrial enterprises have been determined. The recommendations for improving the production structure of innovatively active industrial enterprises are substantiated. The main principles of the rational organization of production processes, which should be followed by innovatively active industrial enterprises when planning their production program, are defined and described. It has been proven that innovative and energetic industrial enterprises should focus on increasing the production volume of innovative products and forming the most optimal production program. For this purpose, it is necessary to use such reserves for increasing the volume of production of innovative products, such as improving its quality, reducing costs for the production and sale of products, saving and rational use of funds for the payment of labor and management personnel, implementation of achievements of scientific and technical progress, because of which productivity increases labors.
Keywords: industrial enterprises, innovative activity, production logistics, economic planning, enterprise development.
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The article was received 25.02.2023