УДК: 338.242.2

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-1-29

Kryvobok Kateryna
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,
Kanova Oleksandra
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Associate Professor, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,
Kotelnikova Iulii
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics,

JEL classification: Z10; F23

Globalization and integration processes in international business have led to the fact that a multicultural team can be formed within one organization, and the company can present its product on the market of another country. And this is connected not only with the prospects of expanding the sales market but also with forming the image and brand. The study aims to determine the features and problems of cross-cultural management development in international business in current conditions. It was found that the number of enterprises that work with people from different backgrounds and cultures is constantly growing, partly solving security issues. These trends began to take shape during the pandemic and maintain upward momentum, mainly due to digitalization. The main problems of cross-cultural management development in international business have been studied, their grouping has been carried out, and measures to respond to their occurrence have been determined. In today’s conditions, cross-cultural management is becoming more critical to international business success. To effectively use its approaches in practice, it is necessary to develop social skills, which should be more accessible to managers, employees, and multicultural team members. As a result of organizing effective cross-cultural communications, the goal should be to overcome employees’ prejudices about other cultures. Also, effective cross-cultural management can be an excellent motivational measure for employees at work. With long-term working relationships with such enterprises, reducing or eradicating certain prejudices is advisable. Hence, everyone gets a fair chance to succeed based on their experience and contribution to the overall result. It was concluded that despite these identified problems, the use of principles and practices of cross-cultural management allows the company to gain a competitive advantage in the modern globalized economy, as well as to retain employees and increase their motivation and satisfaction from work performed.

Keywords: cross-cultural management, development, international business, communications, success, skills, motivation.


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The article was received 14.01.2023