УДК: 330.354.1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-45
JEL classification: L94
Introduction. Radical reform of the electricity market has begun long ago. European vectors of liberalized market development stimulate to adapt to changes in Ukraine. However, the internal conflict environment of the domestic market is hampered by these changes. This is manifested in the following: all enterprises (producers and suppliers) in the electricity market must operate on a separate, self-organized basis; publicity and free access to the use of networks of all business entities on the basis of public contracts. Legislation stipulates and envisages the creation of several electricity markets: intraday market, balancing market, ancillary services market. At each of them, there is a separate order of functioning, system of purchase and sale of the electric power, price formation, establishment of norms and quotas of sales volumes.
The purpose of this article is definition of prior directions for the most effective realization of the organizational and economic mechanism in the course of reforming the electric power market in the state.
Results. Studies have shown that the most effective reform of the electricity market should be carried out on the basis of efficient and transparent operation of the National Commission for Electricity Market Regulation; delimitation of the production sector from the distribution sector of electricity networks; carry out the necessary certification of the transmission system operator; update system, hardware and software; optimize measures and reform the retail market to the needs of consumers; economically justify tariff formation to the needs and opportunities of consumers, including changing the mechanism of cross-subsidization.
Conclusions. Achieving the set goals, priorities will reduce the risks of reforming the electricity market, revive the competitive framework between market participants (entities), create conditions for improving the quality of services, limit the impact of negative factors on the environment with incentive pricing policies.
Keywords: efficiency, organizational mechanism, economic mechanism, formation of the electricity market, energy market.
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The article was received 10.08.2020