УДК: 338.242.2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-3-15
JEL classification: J48
Introduction. In modern society, power safety is priority direction of activity in every country. The key aspect of power safety is the state of generation of electric power and prospect of their short-term and long-term development. It is critically important to have such correlation of sources of generation, to guarantee the reliable power supply of country under various conditions consumption depending on a daypart and season.
The purpose of the study is to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of the previous and newest wholesale electricity market in Ukraine.
Results. Power safety cannot be examined separately from the state of economy of country. It should be noted that now “Renewed power strategy of Ukraine till 2035” is considered as basic with indexes and directions of activity from the different types of generations of electric power. However, as well as any strategic document, this strategy needs permanent perfection and clarification taking into account a geopolitical situation in the country and state of economy. The electricity complex is the difficult system with the lots of elements of power safety providing society needs dependent on the concerted and effective work of that. The new model of the wholesale market of electric energy began to work on July, 1, 2019, providing the specific organizational structure of market. Specific features of making and supplying such commodity as electric energy is the limit of distribution and storage possible. Introduction of new model of home power market was aimed at the evolutional way to change a market mechanism into more perfect and liberal without destroying the present, critically important mechanisms of market of energy functioning, taking into account the political and economic orientation of country; and applying the separate instruments of regulation of supply-consumption process of electric power.
Conclusions. Nowadays politicians must take into account strategic directions of development, which include distribution and the use of alternative energy, providing competition level of remuneration of workforce in the industry, increase of the personal interest in creation and introduction of new technologies.
Key words: power safety, power market, electric power, models of power market, alternative energy.
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The article was received 03.08.2020