УДК 658.012
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-3-30
JEL classification: H57
Introduction. In the civilized world, the principles of public procurement are based on austerity criteria; fairness and impartiality of contract award decisions; publicity of the procurement process; efficiency of the procurement process; the importance of accountability.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the transfer of the procurement system in electronic format as an effective tool for the goods acquisition, works and services in order to financially support the functioning of state structures to serve public needs, which are maintained mainly at the expense of the state and local budgets.
Results. The article deals with the concept essence of «electronic procurement» – that is the newest way of procurement, because it is the passing and controlling in the electronic environment of all stages of the procurement cycle, including marketing research, determining the range of economic agents, procedures for purchasing, placing orders, delivering and paying for them, budgeting and planning for purchases by government agencies. An efficient e-procurement system is highlighted, the key to which is the electronicization of the procurement process, which helps to reduce the operating costs of customers and suppliers; speeding up the procurement process and saving time; a wide range of suppliers; simple and convenient management of the procurement process; clear and transparent access to purchasing information.
Conclusions. The electronic public procurement system makes it easier for participants to get started with the state, find the right procurement, submit a bid and win bidding, since all the procurement information is available on the procurement page, and in the change case in the tender documentation, all previous revisions of documents remain in the system, which can be downloaded and viewed. Such transparency of the procedure makes it possible to prevent corruption risks and is a way to develop democratic and open processes in society.
Keywords: public procurement, participant, customer, Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”, tender, auction, public procurement, bidding, open bidding.
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The article was received 23.07.2019