УДК 338.48
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-16
JEL classification: L83; Z32; P45
Introduction. This article is devoted to the analysis of festival tourism development in Ukraine and in Odessa region, in general. One of the main trends in modern tourism is the orientation to meet the diverse needs of tourists. Festival tourism has ancient roots, but its research has begun relatively recently. The main purpose of this type of tourism is timed to a specific event. The main feature of festival tourism is its orientation on a wide range of consumers.
Festival tourism as a kind of cultural and cognitive, event and entertainment one creates a significant contribution to the employment of professionals in many specialties, which are currently in our country are not on the list of highly paid and wealthy. Festival tourism is a resource of rising of the world image of Ukraine and a source of rising of economic well-being of separate regions and cities.
It creates a basis for significant growth and diversification of employment, creation of the ground for material well-being and cultural level of population of these territories.
The purpose of the article is to analyse festival tourism in the Odessa region, its current state and prospects of use for the tourism needs.
Results. The article examines the weak sides of Odessa region that can prevent the development of festival tourism: lack of high quality infrastructure, unwillingness of investors to invest, lack of sufficient tourist information about the possibility of making festivals in certain areas, no knowledge of foreign languages and sometimes etiquette, not very attractive image of Ukraine in the eyes of foreigners, almost absent indication of tourist routes, etc.
Conclusions. Odessa region has great opportunities for further development of festival tourism and there are great prospects for achieving of positive results. A large number of tourists is guaranteed by the fact that the region is close to the Moldova border, has access to the sea, as well as good rail and road connections. Also, in the region itself there is a relatively well-developed transport network of roads, which is a favourable factor for the arrival of tourists not only from Ukraine and Europe, but also from the United States and Asia or Africa.
Keywords: festival tourism, tourist product, tourist services, travel agency, event tourism, new tourist product, tourist market.
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The article was received 10.12.2019