УДК: 343.98

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-4-46

Liakhovets Volodymyr,
PhD in Economics, Forensic Expert, Ternopil Research Expert Forensic Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,

JEL classification: Q10

The scientific publication examines the main theoretical and methodological aspects of the algorithm for the commodity examination of corn grain, namely, the implementation of the commodity examination involves the use of special knowledge within the limits of individual research methods; the concept of «identification» is revealed during the commodity examination, the name and product characteristics of the research object are established; the fundamental features of determining the market value of corn grain during the commodity examination in the context of the use of special knowledge in the field of commodity science are summarized and substantiated; analyzed and characterized the complex of factors and factors that determine the peculiarities of determining the value of corn grain when conducting a forensic commodity examination; the procedure and stages of the commodity examination of corn grain are specified; the types of distribution and formation of quality indicators of corn grain were studied, which provides a basic definition of the actual state of the agricultural product, based on the comparison of its quality indicators of the evaluated product with the corresponding reference values; the necessary initial data that provide objective research results related to the determination of the market value of corn grain are specified, according to which forensic commodity examinations are impossible without the necessary documents for the object of research that comply with current legislation; the main conditions of supply necessary for determining the cost of corn grain were investigated; practical recommendations for determining the cost of corn grain are substantiated; current references regarding price information on corn grain for commodity examinations are indicated.

Keywords: commodity expertise; expert research, market value, special merchandising knowledge; corn grain; corn grain quality indicators.


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The article was received 03.10.2023