Introduction. The special nature of international trade, the integral element of which is the movement of goods from the seller to the buyer, requires at the present stage of the participation a large number of intermediaries, without which it is virtually impossible to begin and complete a complex process of goods transportation.
The purpose of this article is investigation of the essence of the logistics technologies development prospects in the transport system of the Black Sea region.
Results. Implementation of the transport process is impossible without proper coastal servicing of both cargo owners and ship-owners through a number of intermediary operations. By its
nature, intermediation in maritime transport in the operational and commercial aspect is mainly in areas such as tonnage chartering, ship agency, freight forwarding services, and so on.
Conclusions. The development of multimodal (combined) transportation is a perspective direction of the transport system building up of the Black Sea region, as it allows to increase significantly the transport volume by its territory with the participation of transport companies, contributing to increasing the region’s competitiveness in the national and world transport services market, developing the network of existing transport corridors, integrating Ukraine’s transport infrastructure to the world transport system.
In order to increase the level of economic sustainability of the multimodal regional cluster, it must involve the public goods or benefits characteristic of the region in relation to the proximity of the company’s location, personal contacts, strong and constant links, and the possibility of access to information from «the inside».
Key words: transportation, port activity, cluster, intermodal transportation, multimodal transportation, logistics, consignee.
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The article was received 10.07.2018