УДК: 353:338.46

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-4-20

Lytovchenko Liudmila
PhD-student of Poltava State Agrarian University,
Briukhovych Dmytro
PhD-student of Sumy National Agrarian University,

JEL classification: D01; D21; Q12

The development of oilseed production in Ukraine is a strategically important area, as it creates competitive advantages in meeting demand on foreign and domestic markets. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of managing the economic behavior of enterprises producing oil crops in Ukraine and its manifestation in modern conditions. According to the results of the study, it was proved that the model of economic behavior of an enterprise specializing in the production of oil crops reflects the degree of its participation in economic processes at various levels, financial and organizational capabilities, as well as determines the position in the market of relevant crops and in solving social problems of modern life. It has been proven that the economic behavior of the company will vary depending on the state of the economy in the country where the business is based. It was also found that positive changes in the external environment can cause corresponding changes in the internal environment and in the economic behavior of enterprises. They will be able to reorient their activities in favor of domestic consumers. In fact, it should be considered when forming the state policy for the development and support of the agro-industrial sector. Furthermore, these transformations will be facilitated by the restoration of normal, safe operation of enterprises, a transparent procedure for the purchase of electricity, and the growth of demand for oilseed products in the domestic market. The problems accumulated during the martial law, which were superimposed on previously unresolved crisis phenomena in the agricultural sphere, the chaotic economic behavior of many farmers today indicate that without a thorough understanding of the motives of the enterprises’ behavior, the choice of ways of effective economic development becomes difficult and uncertain. Modern transformational processes require changes in the management system of enterprises through the formation of new directions of economic behavior. Transformations during the recovery of enterprises and orientation towards their development in the post-war period are already forming new rules and norms of behavior regarding interaction with other market subjects (consumers, suppliers, intermediaries, financial institutions).

Keywords: management of economic behavior, functioning of the enterprise, efficiency, production of oil crops, state of the country’s economy.


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The article was received 10.11.2022