УДК: 338.24:640.41(045);
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-1-66
JEL classification: L 83
The article is devoted to the organizational, economic, and legal mechanisms that increase the security and efficiency of resource management of innovatively oriented hospitality industry enterprises in the context of digitalization.
The study, crucial for the future of the hospitality industry, aimed to investigate the organizational, economic, and legal mechanisms for enhancing the security and efficiency of resource management in innovatively oriented hospitality enterprises within the context of digitalization.
Given that one of the strategic tasks of the modern stage of development of the hospitality industry is to saturate the market with appropriate services that provide rationality and economy in the use of the critical resources of the enterprise: land, material, intangible, labor, financial, informational, time and entrepreneurial, its implementation determines the need the development of specific measures and the formation of a set of tools that would ensure the accelerated introduction of the hospitality industry to a new stage of economic development with further improvement of the efficiency of the production and economic potential of economic entities. The above actualizes the study of the organizational, economic, and legal mechanism of increasing the security efficiency of resource management of innovatively oriented enterprises of the hospitality industry in the context of digitalization.
The directions for increasing the efficiency of the use of resources of innovatively oriented enterprises of the hospitality industry within the proposed mechanism are divided as follows: improving the quality of technical equipment, especially in the field of service provision; introduction of resource-saving technologies; introduction of new equipment and technology based on the achievements of scientific and technical progress; increasing the level of automation and robotization of technological processes and auxiliary works; reduction of production losses and waste; improvement of technological methods of production, reduction of waste and loss of resources due to the above-mentioned factors; ensuring the high quality of raw materials and materials necessary for the provision of services; introduction of new types of raw materials; improving the quality of services; selection of the most rational order forms; increasing the level of specialization of innovatively oriented enterprises of the hospitality industry.
Keywords: organizational and economic mechanism, legal mechanism, security, efficiency, resource management, innovation-oriented enterprises, hospitality industry, digitalization.
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The article was received 09.01.2024