УДК: 658.1/5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-4-31

Andriy Pylypenko
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Accounting and Business Consulting Department,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics
Olexandr Popov
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Physical Culture Management,
Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture

JEL classification: М31; Р13; G34; L21


Introduction. Modern economic systems have to be considered based on an integrated approach. Only this will ensure the coherence of different subject areas within a single problem area. The corporate integration marketing management has been chosen as the article’s main problem area. According to the author’s hypothesis, integration and cooperation could lead to the enterprises corporate association of consolidated potential growth. In turn, marketing optimizes such potential usage, taking into account compliance with a given stability level.

The purpose of the scientific paper is to provide the theoretical and methodological framework for designing the strategic marketing management system for the corporate enterprises’ association integration and cooperation development. This system should be focused on ensuring the corporate association operation stability and optimizing its potential usage.

Results. The research is based on the ontological modeling methods application. The set of classes and their instances have been determined as part of the ontological model developing for the subject area’s strategic marketing management. These areas have included all main elements of corporate enterprises associations sustainable integration and cooperation development. The ontological model classes have been presented as areas for directing the strategic marketing management design process. The ontological model representation in the graph form has allowed to form the enterprises’ corporate association’s strategic behavior patterns. Such patterns are aimed at intensifying the integration and cooperation of enterprises. It has been proposed that the development of such patterns should be based on the SPARQL-queries execution to the ontological model subject areas. A set of strategic matrices have been proposed. These matrices determine the features of the marketing management implementation into an integrated corporate enterprises association.

Conclusions. The developed recommendations for strategic management reorientation of integration and cooperation development of corporate enterprises associations onto the marketing paradigm allow increasing the level of stability of such an association by harmonizing all stakeholders’ interests within the corporate association.

Keywords: marketing management, strategy, corporate association, integration, cooperation, interaction network.


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The article was received 21.09.2020