УДК: 658.82:631.11

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-2-33

Kalinichenko Vitalii,
Postgraduate student of
Sumy National Agrarian University,

JEL classification: М29

The article represents the disclosure of the organizational and economic principles of management of sales activities at specialized agricultural enterprises. It is substantiated that the transformation of the production structure of agrarian enterprises makes it possible to increase the economic efficiency of the production of crop and livestock products and its competitiveness, provided that a rational combination of the primary sectoral areas of specialization at the agricultural enterprise is observed. It was determined that the correction of the organizational structure is the main direction of corporate and economic restructuring, and the organizational structure itself is one of the three structural variables. Then one cannot but admit that its optimization must come along with the optimization of the production structure, on the one hand, and the optimization of the organizational management structure, on the other hand. Therefore, the objectively possible result of corporate and economic restructuring will be ensured if the optimal organizational structure is combined with the optimal production structure. It was established that the management of the sales activities at agricultural enterprises should be carried out based on the identification of the systemic nature influencing competitive and conjunctural factors using methodical approaches to the evaluation of the effectiveness of functioning of marketing channels of promotion and commercial channels of market distribution of products, as well as the comparison of the specified assessment with the results of determining sales opportunities of enterprises. At the same time, the company tries to improve the adaptability of its marketing and sales policy to increase the efficiency of the main activity by maximizing its commercial potential. Accordingly, the ways of using the toolkit to increase the efficiency of the production and marketing activities at agricultural enterprises by changing the position of the farming enterprise in the structure of existing channels of market distribution in the target markets for the sale of plant and livestock products are determined.

Keywords: specialization, production structure, sales, competitiveness, agricultural enterprises.


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The article was received 05.02.2023