УДК 338.5:339.172

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-5

Anna Serhiivna PODSOKHA
Deputy Head of the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in Kharkiv Region

JEL classification: D4; L1


Introduction. The low development level of commodity exchange trade in Ukraine remains a rather acute issue in the domestic economy for a long time. This indicates the need to find new ways to improve the activities of exchanges.

The purpose of scientific research is the development of theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of the organizational and economic pricing mechanism in the commodity exchange market.

Results. The essence and the main functions of the price are defined. The economic indicators of efficiency are characterized, which are defined on the basis of the price. Features of market pricing are given. The pricing methodology is outlined. It is established that the pricing mechanism is based on the interaction of supply and demand. The role of legislative and executive bodies in setting and regulating prices through pricing policy is outlined. The methodical aspect of pricing is described. The price model and price methods are determined. The influence of tactical and strategic factors on price dynamics is substantiated. It is proved that companies must use both factors to succeed in the market. The foreign practice of regulation on the basis of price mechanisms is described. This approach helps the company choose the most favorable strategy in the market. The characteristics, features and differences of the cash and futures markets are given. It is determined that commodity exchanges act as a price barometer. It is established that pricing is the main task of commodity exchanges. Determined prices for goods are made public, this information is open to buyers and sellers. The role of international exchange trade is described in the formation of world prices at specific world trade centers. The tools for quantitative assessment of changes in the dynamics and level of world prices are identified. The essence and purpose of exchange quotation are determined.

Conclusions. Exchange trade determines the level of commodity prices. Published information on price dynamics allows to make decisions in the process of trade relations between seller and buyer. The exchange helps to concentrate supply and demand within world trade centers. Exchange trade significantly affects the prices of agricultural products.

Keywords: commodity exchange, economic mechanism, exchange market, world trade centers, price regulation, agricultural products.


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The article was received 20.12.2019