УДК: 658.81:005.346
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2020-1-43
JEL classification: M31; Q13
Introduction. Rationally organized marketing of products of domestic agricultural enterprises is the basis for increasing the economic efficiency of their activities and stabilizing the development of the entire agricultural sector of the national economy. In this context, the issues become relevant, related to the development of strategic management of marketing and sales activities, the acquisition of appropriate strategies of system and complexity in an unstable market environment, because in modern conditions from a reasonable choice of product sales and the appropriate level of organization of sales procedures depend, first of all, the price and payment terms of its sales, and hence the level of economic efficiency and financial and economic stability of the enterprise.
The purpose of the article is to develop guidelines and applied provisions for the organization of the process of strategic planning of agricultural enterprises marketing.
Research methodology. The article uses the method of analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical (formation of theoretical generalizations and conclusions), monographic, statistical, comparison and generalization.
Results. It is established that as the company’s costs for product sales gradually decrease, the level of profitability of its production and sales decreases. The company is forced to move to the orientation of the management system of marketing and sales activities to the wider use of direct sales channels and to build long-term relationships with major intermediaries. The development of methodical bases and applied provisions concerning the organization of process of strategic planning of marketing and sale of production of the agricultural enterprises is carried out. Analytical and monographic studies have shown that a significant proportion of companies significantly limit the functionality of strategic planning by neglecting the appropriate workload of managers, specialists and departments in the formation of the list of their functional responsibilities. At the same time, the effectiveness of even sound strategic plans of marketing and sales activities is significantly reduced.
Keywords: marketing, sales, sales costs, strategic planning, strategy correction, agricultural enterprises.
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The article was received 10.01.2020