УДК: 656.02: 347.763

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-40

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Commodity Science and Customs, State University of Trade and Economics
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9588-5929
PhD in Economic Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Transport Technology and Logistics Department, State Biotechnological University
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7350-2624
Student of the faculty of Trade and Marketing, Specialty Customs Affairs,
State University of Trade and Economics

JEL classification: L92


In the conditions of the development of railway transport within international transport corridors and the increase in the volume of cargo transportation, the issue of ensuring a sufficient level of transportation safety is an important task. The intensification of the transportation process with significant wear and tear of fixed assets actualizes the development and implementation of methods to increase the safety of railway transportation of dangerous goods, as well as technological and organizational measures aimed at reducing the risks of emergency situations with them. The article uses methods of analysis and theories of the organization of operational work of railways. The regulatory framework for the organization of transportation of dangerous goods by railways is characterized. The main indicators of the transportation of dangerous goods in the modern conditions of railway transport were studied. The detailed structure of factors influencing the conditions for operation of stations during the transportation of dangerous goods was developed, and measures were proposed to improve the technology of operation of the railway network stations in order to increase the level of transportation safety. The authors detailed the peculiarities of the railway stations functioning during the organization of transportation of dangerous goods. Taking into account the specified factors for the implementation of the proposed measures will allow increasing the level of safety of the processing of dangerous goods at railway stations. The article examines the role of railway transport in Ukraine. The transport conditions of the railway delivery of goods and the international railway tariffs received for the carriage of goods were analyzed. The procedure for transporting goods in transit through the territory of third countries in a direct railway connection has been established. This article defines the documentation of railway transportation. The procedure for calculating freight charges and payments for cargo transportation has been considered. The study of this topic makes it possible to improve all the main indicators of the operation of the station and the railway, to improve the quality of logistics service for customers and the transportation of goods by railway transport.

Keywords: international railway transportation, the Statute of Railways of Ukraine, COTIF, railway tariffs, freight payments.


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The article was received 09.04.2022