УДК 65.014.1: 003.13

Tetyana I. LEPEYKO
Doctor of sciences in economics, professor,
Head of Management and Business Deepartment,
Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

JEL classification: F 20; O 33


Introduction. The need to introduce modern methods of business process management, among which reengineering occupies an important place, is caused by the dynamic development of the market of goods and services and the attention of domestic enterprises to a process-oriented approach.

The purpose of the study is to summarize theoretical and methodological principles, to develop methodological and practical recommendations on organizational and economic principles of reengineering at modern enterprises.

Results. The author’s understanding of the business process is presented as a set of interrelated actions aimed at converting inputs into outputs in order to obtain a product that is of value to the consumer.

The characteristic of business processes improvement methods is given: continuous improvement and «breakthrough».

Therefore, a radical increase in the efficiency and adaptability of the business process should be considered as reengineering. Its advantages are the ability to eliminate inefficient processes that do not create added value, which contributes to the competitive advantage by improving the quality and reducing costs. The disadvantages are risks, significant financial costs and possible resistance to change by staff.

The author’s algorithm of sequence of reengineering carrying out has been offered. The tools content of the stages of business processes identification and the problems list are considered during the reengineering. An example of a context diagram for reengineering business processes of core activity in IDEF0 notation is provided. An example of using a Gant chart to plan reengineering activities has been provided.

Conclusions. Recommendations for conducting business process reengineering at modern enterprises are presented. The results of the analysis conceptually reflect the procedure of reengineering and enable the modern tools involvement and adequate information technologies for its implementation.

Keywords: reengineering, business process, organization, economics of reengineering, conceptual background.


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The article was received 25.12.2018