УДК 167.7 : [005.591.6 +004.67] : 338.432
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2024-4-21
JEL classification: O30, Q16
The article focuses on the need for the innovative and digital development of agri-food enterprises based on the key areas of using the technical and technological potential of Industry 4.0. It provides for transforming the management system and revising its organizational and functional model. To this end, the author proposes an organizational and functional model for managing the processes of innovation and digital development of agri-food business entities, which was represented by the interaction of seven main management subsystems (creation of digital twins on technological objects and business processes; formation of single information management of business processes; digitalization of monitoring and maintenance of communication facilities; accumulation, acquisition, and exchange of knowledge; organization of digital workplaces for employees; development of digital information systems). These subsystems and the model’s functionality were basic. They can be expanded depending on the needs of a particular enterprise. However, the model itself should consider the flexibility and adaptability of its organizational support to adapt to changes in the digital environment quickly. The algorithm of the general model for organizing the digital transformation of enterprises, defined based on a systematic approach, expert assessments, and business analysis, was generalized. Six main directions have been allocated that provide for the implementation of the organizational component of the model for managing the innovative and digital development of agri-food enterprises, including strategic planning, organizational structure, and digital management; digital competence and human capital development; change management; leadership and change in management culture; institutional support.
Keywords: innovative development, organisational support, organisational and functional model, agri-food enterprise, management system, technical and technological support, digital transformation.
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The article was received 18.10.2024