УДК: 658.84

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2023-3-46

Senyk Yurii,
PhD in Biological, Doctoral Student, West Ukrainian National University. Head of the Physical and Chemical Laboratory PJSC "Ternopil Milk Factory",

JEL classification: R40; L91; O18

One of the main tasks of the economic activity of enterprises is to provide production with material resources because of the logistic approach. Any downtime reduced work efficiency causes financial losses for the company. To reduce losses caused by delivery problems, optimizing logistics processes is becoming increasingly crucial for the modern automotive industry. The paper examines the main theoretical directions of optimizing the transportation of materials and raw materials and characterizes their role in preventing the stoppage of the technological process. At a production enterprise of any industrial direction, the technological process or packaging line is stopped due to a shortage of raw materials, equipment components, or packaging materials. The scenarios of production recovery were considered. The scheme and stages of the logistics process are analyzed: external and internal logistics. In connection with the large variety of parts and their application on the production line, the paper considers the compelling concept of determining the “sequencing point”. For a complete understanding of the construction of logistics supply chains according to the JIT principle, each element of the parts delivery scheme is considered. Any manufacturing industry faces a fundamental dilemma: higher inventory costs and lower shipping costs due to fewer shipments or vice versa. Today, it is practically impossible to ensure the daily transportation of the required number of parts, that is, to foresee the formation of small batches without the involvement of warehouses, which is explained by the large number of required parts. Logistics connections’ main task is dividing work by stages of goods movement, leading to individual processes’ division. The solution to this task is carried out by organizing within a single process the movement of materials and information along the entire chain from the producer to the consumer, ensuring the interaction of individual stages and coordinating the actions of all participants in the logistics chain.

Keywords: consumers, logistics chain, downtime, transportation, logistics processes.


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The article was received 15.07.2023