УДК: 339.137.2+65.012.32

DOI: https://doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2022-2-30

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Law,
Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor,
Head of the Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation, European University
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Economics,
Khmelnytskyi National University

JEL classification: L23; O33


The relevance of practical issues of managing the company’s operational activities, taking into account its impact on competitiveness, has been proven. The conditions of martial law in Ukraine are characterized by the decline of production at most industrial enterprises, the curtailment of scientific research, the loss of positive trends and the dynamics of the innovative activities development, the low competitiveness of products and the pace of economic development. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of operational management in modern conditions and to identify the nature of its influence on the formation of the company’s competitiveness. For enterprises, efficiency is always related to meeting the needs of consumers and obtaining the maximum possible profit with acceptable risks. The nature of the influence of strategic and tactical operational management on the competitiveness of the enterprise is revealed. In practice, the life cycle of a competitive advantage, which is its indisputable specific difference, must be taken into account for a specific business entity. Such an approach is expedient, as it is able to ensure an early response to the dynamics of external and internal environmental factors. While characterizing the specifics of the enterprise’s competitiveness, attention is focused on the following mandatory conditions for its evaluation of the enterprise: the presence of competitive products and ensuring effective operations. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that in order to respond flexibly to changes and action plan within the framework of operational strategies, business analysis should be carried out in the following areas: value chain, business process map, product life cycle and business process cost. As practice shows, the operational activity of enterprises is characterized by a complex set of relations with various stakeholders. Representatives of the retail business in Ukraine and abroad, responding to requests for increased security and convenience, offer consumers various options for searching and paying for purchases: “Click and collect”, “Without cashiers”, “Scan and collect”, “Smart carts”, technological and biometric contactless payment systems, etc. The technology of logistics organization is also crucial for trade enterprises.

Keywords: operational management, competitiveness management, operational strategy, competitive advantage, business process, costs.


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The article was received 15.04.2022